Aktiv – Humus Granulat

is a dry organic humus plant growth promoter and a soil conditioner at the same time. This product does not belong to the group of pesticides and agrochemicals. As part of tank mixes with conventional dry granular mineral fertilizers, pesticides and other pesticides, this product must be applied once to the soil during the harrowing season before sowing.

Aktiv – Humus Granulat

If you add the product Hybrid Innovation – Aktiv – Humus – Granulat to the soil, which contains pure humic and fulvic acids, the chelating process is initiated. When this happens, the nutrients can travel up the plant’s roots into its tissues, where the chelating agent can release them.

Chelation makes insoluble nutrients soluble and increases their bioavailability to crops.

Hybrid Innovation – Aktiv – Humus – Granulat are manufactured under industrial conditions by separating the precipitate from the Hybrid Innovation – Stimulanz – Konzentrat concentrate.

As a result of the production process, the raw materials are processed according to a special technology, dried and crushed into granules.

The concentrate itself is a liquid organic humus plant growth stimulator, in the production of which the use of chemical reagents is completely excluded. During the production process, a mixture based on substances from the upper layer of bioclasticsed imentary rocksenters there actor and is processed with ultrasound of certain frequencies. Due to the lack of alkali, the pH never rises above 6 units.

In the Hybrid Innovation – Aktiv – Humus – Granulat product, the content of free humic acids is up to 77% of the dry matter and the content of organic substances is up to 38% of the dry matter.

This growth stimulant contains fulvic acids consisting of 74 organic minerals, 10 vitamins and 18 amino acids. Having very high mobility and physiological activity, as well as small molecular size, fulvic acids easily (instantly) penetrate into the roots, stems and leaves of plants, providing the necessary macro and micro elements.

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The product Hybrid Innovation – Aktiv – Humus – Granulat is added to tank mixtures of mineral fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals that are introduced into the soil by special mechanisms during the harrowing season before sowing. is added to tank mixtures of mineral fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals that are introduced into the soil by special mechanisms during the harrowing season before sowing.


The use of Hybrid Innovation – Aktiv – Humus – Granulat in plant cultivation enables:

– increase seed germination;

– increase the volume and weight of the roots;

– increase the efficiency of nutrient uptake and activate plant growth processes;

– Increase in grain yield from 20 to 30%, potatoes from 20 to 50%, vegetables from 20 to 60%, grapes from 20 to 100% while increasing sugar content;

– stimulate growth, accelerate the ripening of the crop by 10-12 days;

– Improving the development of the root system of plants and their respiration;

– increasing the resistance of plants to adverse environmental factors (drought, excessive waterlogging, frost);

– protect plants from bacterial and fungal diseases;

– increase the efficiency of the use of nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizers and pesticides, reduce their use by 20-30% and relieve stress from their effects (after treatment with pesticides, the period of plant inhibition is reduced from 7-10 days to just 1 reduced -2 days);

– Restoring and increasing soil fertility;

– restoration of the humus layer of the soil;

– Restoration of beneficial soil microflora;

– restoration of soil acidity;

– restore depleted soils;

– to neutralize products of technogenic pollution;

– to reduce the content of nitrate nitrogen in cultivated products;

– get better and more environmentally friendly products with a high content of vitamins, sugar and other valuable substances